Almost done! Please review the following

You may also change your answers if needed.

Insurance Back Office Services

Do you currently have Virtual Assistants?

Answer Yes or No,

Insurance Back Office Services

Also, Please mention if you have you ever hired a Virtual Assistant before

Insurance Back Office Services

What are the top 3 insurance back-office tasks you need help with?

If you are unsure yet, you could type N/A for now.

Insurance Back Office Services

What Agency Management System do you use?

If you are unsure yet, you could type N/A for now.

Insurance Back Office Services

What phone system would you like your VA to use in calling your carriers, clients, and banks?

If you are unsure yet, you could type N/A for now.

Insurance Back Office Services

What email platform do you use?

e.g Gmail, Outlook, Zoho Mail. Apple Mail etc.

Insurance Back Office Services

Do you need someone to work full-time or part-time?

What is your email address?

You have completed the discovery form!

Kindly wait for 24-hours for us to review your answers and we’ll keep in touch.

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