Hire a virtual assistant

Streamline back office support with InsBOSS VAs!

Learn how insurance VAs can boost your productivity

Get the freedom to do more

At InsBOSS, we make the virtual feel personal. We provide back office solutions to insurance companies focusing on property and casualty insurance.

Our insurance virtual assistants provide a range of services tailored to your unique needs. Check out our VA services and pricing packages below and customize a plan that best suits your business.

Insurance Back Office Services

Boost productivity with our insurance VAs! Outsource back office solutions and reclaim the freedom to do more.

Insurance Telemarketers

Drive your sales to new heights! Let our team of telemarketers nurture leads and convert them into customers.

Insurance Specialized Accounting Services

Stay on top of your finances! Get tailor-made financial solutions with our virtual accountants.

Insurance Back Office Services

Boost productivity with our insurance VAs! Outsource back office solutions and reclaim the freedom to do more. Choose between a voice and non-voice package based on your needs.

Insurance Telemarketers

Drive your sales to new heights! Let our team of telemarketers nurture leads and convert them into customers.

Insurance Specialized Accounting Services

Stay on top of your finances! Get tailor-made financial solutions with our virtual accountants.

Our VA Services

Optimize your business operations and transform your day-to-day tasks with InsBOSS VA’s.

Trained in the 5-stages of insurance, our virtual assistants can support the end-to-end process of your insurance agency. Imagine the freedom of focusing on growing your business and maintaining client relationships.

Delegate your back office solutions to us and say goodbye to endless paperworks and routine tasks. Your freedom is our business – scroll down to learn more about what we can do for you!

Policy Insurance

Get to know more about InsBOSS VAs

We understand that choosing an insurance virtual assistant is a big decision. Our FAQs are here to help you understand our VA services, our insurance training programs, and how they can support your business.

Which types of insurance do you handle?

Our virtual assistants provide back office support to Property and Casualty insurance companies.

Do you provide virtual assistant training?

Yes, we conduct insurance training to our VAs. They receive 160 hours of intensive training on the basics of P&C insurance.

What insurance training programs do your VAs get?

InsBOSS provides a comprehensive simulated experience on the 5 stages of insurance. We use a holistic approach to better prepare our VAs as they integrate with their assigned clients. 

How much training do your telemarketers get?

InsBOSS telemarketers receive 40 hours of intensive training complete with mock call assessments. This includes comprehensive simulated experiences on English Communication Skills, Basics of Property and Casualty Insurance, and Telemarketing Sales Training.

Are your insurance virtual assistants licensed?

When you hire a virtual assistant with us, they can provide up to 90% of your insurance back office services. However, they are not licensed to sell insurance or provide client-facing services such as discussing or selling policies.

What back office support do your insurance virtual assistants provide?

Our insurance virtual assistants are versatile and can handle various back office tasks including:

  • Application
  • Quoting
  • Binding 
  • Policy insurance
  • Servicing

They can also provide support for miscellaneous tasks, such as: customer service, commission reconciliation, keeping track of renewals, and other services relevant to their roles.

Can your telemarketers sell insurance policies?

Our telemarketers can provide phone services such as calling leads, setting up appointments and live transferring warm leads to your agents. However, they cannot sell insurance policies as they are not licensed insurance agents.

Is handling calls a part of the virtual assistant services you offer?

Yes. If you hire a VA under our InsBOSS Premium Virtual Assistant Services, they can make and take phone calls for you.

What are the tasks that your insurance telemarketers can do?

InsBOSS telemarketers are adaptable in most used phone services in the industry. They can provide virtual assistant services such as cold calling, promoting special promos, appointment setting, and live transfers.

Can I choose my insurance virtual assistant?

Yes, you may select your preferred VAs through a Screening phase.

Additionally, you may also leave the profiling to InsBOSS so you can save time on sifting through applications. Check out our 7-step proven process in assessing your insurance virtual assistants!

Can I try your services first with a part-time option?

When you hire a virtual assistant, you can choose if you want to have them on-board full-time or part-time. Our full-time VAs provide insurance solutions 8 hours a day. Meanwhile, our part-timers provide service for only 4 hours per day.

We suggest starting with a part-time option to see if our virtual assistant services are a good fit. As we go along, you can upgrade to a full-time option depending on the level of back office support that you need.

Do telemarketers receive incentives per transfer?

Yes, InsBOSS telemarketers receive a $5 incentive per transfer.

Maximize savings with semi-annual payments in any of our premium packages

Gain the Freedom to do more!

Discover how our insurance VAs can transform your day-to-day tasks. Take our 5-minute survey and let us customize back office solutions tailored to your needs.

Get the freedom to do more.

Grow your business with InsBOSS


Discover how we can help take
back your time!

Reclaim up to 8 hours daily with our proven insurance back-office solutions. Schedule a free no-obligation call to explore how our virtual assistant services can help your insurance agency. Focus on servicing and selling new business while we handle your admin tasks.